Dress Code FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions about the school dress code


Do I need a blazer on “Dress Attire” days and does it need to be branded for Jesuit?

No, on Dress Attire days, which are usually for Mass, students do not need to wear a blazer. If you would like to wear a blazer, sport coat, or suit they do not need to be Jesuit branded. (We do not sell any branded sport coats in any of our stores.)

Can students wear shorts for Standard Dress?

Yes. Like the pants, they must be khaki-style or chino-style shorts. No athletic shorts are permitted outside of PE/Athletics. Pants and shorts must be a solid color.

Do I need to wear a belt for Dress Attire?


Can students wear any shoes on Dress Attire days?

No, they must be dressier leather shoes. Leather vans are not an acceptable dress attire shoe. However, they do not need to be traditional dress shoes with a hard sole.  

Can students wear Crocs?  Even on Standard Dress days?


Can students wear moccasins?

Shoes that look like slippers are not acceptable (fuzzy interior), even with hard soles. However, canvas moccasin-style or slip-in shoes are fine.

Where can I find more information about the dress code?

Please review pages 41-43 in our Student Parent Handbook for specific information about our dress code and requirements for Dress Attire days by clicking here.