Service and Justice Agency Fair: opportunities for engagement

Plank Article Andrew Maulino ’24 Joshua Deligero '26

On Sept. 7, 2023, Jesuit High School Sacramento will host the Service and Justice Agency Fair, giving students the opportunity to discover where they can serve.

Director of Service and Justice Ms. Sara Brabec, host of the Service and Justice Agency Fair, explains what the event entails.

“[The Service and Justice Agency Fair] is an opportunity [for] our community partners to come to campus to continue relationship building with our school [and for our] students [to find] opportunities for service at the beginning of the year rather than scrabbling later in the quarter and semester,” Ms. Brabec said.

Students may not be aware of the options that they have to complete their service. Administrative Assistant for the Office of Service & Justice and Campus Ministry Ms. Tina Bernardi wants students who might struggle to complete their hours to realize there are plenty of opportunities available.

“The purpose is to let students know what some of the different opportunities are for service time,” Ms. Bernardi said. “Not everybody realizes that there’s this many different places where you can do your Christian Service hours and so it [...] broadens people’s horizons.”

Associate Director for Office of Service and Justice Ms. Jessica Fuentes wants the fair to be more than just a way for students to choose their service organizations from a screen, but instead to be an opportunity to meet the organizations face to face.

“We have [the fair] to make [choosing service] more alive and real,” Ms. Fuentes said. “Looking at the agency directory is great and a neat way to find things, but it’s not as personal and as exciting as meeting them in person and really being called to serve.” 

The Service and Justice Agency Fair will be a fun and informative time. There’s a chance to win prizes, eat otter pops, and learn about various agencies. The Service and Justice Agency Fair will be held on Sept. 7 in the Senior Quad during the community period.