Caleb Dixon ’24: leading by doing, on and off the field

Plank Article Cooper Zarro '26

Caleb Dixon ’24 is renowned for his charismatic leadership and his caring heart. As a star football player, a member of the senior retreat team, and president of Black Student Union (BSU), his impact has been felt all over Jesuit High School Sacramento’s campus. 

Head varsity football Coach Marlon Blanton has walked with Caleb throughout much of his Jesuit journey and has seen firsthand what kind of leader he is.

“I worked with him last year in BSU, and obviously in football the last two years, and he gets it,” Coach Blanton said. “He gets how he should lead, how he wants to lead, and you can tell people look up to him.”

Caleb’s leadership abilities are aided by his outstanding work ethic, which extends beyond the football field and into the classroom. He attributes his drive to succeed to his sister and cousins, who have guided him to athletic and scholastic excellence.

“I would like to credit much of my success to my sister and cousins,” Caleb said. “They are all very intelligent people, so being able to keep up with them on an academic level as best as I can is why I try so hard in the classes I have taken. They are the people I have grown up with and seeing my sister get her master’s at 25 was impressive to say the least. Having such a strong role model to look up to in my formative years when it comes to academics was great.”

A football teammate and friend of Caleb’s, George Hemmen ’24, has known Caleb for over a decade, and has witnessed the compassionate person Caleb has grown to be.

“He’s a really great guy; he’s one of the nicest guys I know,” George said. “One thing that really impressed me about him is that in football he makes big plays, but never really celebrates or gloats about it. I remember one time he caught a touchdown over this kid, and the kid got a cramp, and instead of celebrating with the team he ran over and helped the kid with his cramp. It was really great – he’s a great guy.”

Caleb’s leadership style is characterized by taking action and helping others..

“I want to be remembered as someone who was always there for those who needed me,” Caleb said. “It’s always easier to say you’re friends with someone and that you’ll be there for them but actually doing it is what I want to be known for.”

Coach Blanton has appreciated coaching Caleb, and believes that he was an excellent teammate on and off the football field.

“I’ve enjoyed watching his growth on and off the field, and I think he does a wonderful job representing and embodying what we want here at Jesuit High School,” Coach Blanton said. “He’s kind to his classmates, he’s respectful; like I said I really think he embodies what it means to be a ‘Man for Others.’ I’m big on how you treat people, and he treats people the way that you should.”

Caleb is someone who leads through his actions, whether it’s on the football field or in the classroom. His unique talents have left a huge impact on the Jesuit community, and we are all excited to see where he takes them next.